Rodman Parent Resources
Purpose: One of our efforts to provide the best education for our students is creating a partnership with parents. When home and school are working together, the educational results will be better! This area is a resource for parents to access current educational information. This page will be periodically updated. Check back for new information and web sites of interest. Suggestions of sites to include can be made to the principal.
US Department of Education
Information on a wide variety of topics relating to child development and education.
ReadWriteThink's mission is to provide educators, parents, and afterschool professionals with access to the highest quality practices in reading an
Parent Partner Resources from NEA
National Education Association provides information and tips for student success.
Family Education Network by Pearson
FamilyEducation™ provides parents with educational printables, parenting ideas, expert family advice, arts & crafts projects, and many more activities
Edutopia-George Lucas Education Foundation
George Lucas Educational Foundation is dedicated to improving the K-12 learning process through innovative, replicable, and evidence-based strategies.
Readily available educational resources for parents, teachers and students make the process of learning and teaching a lot easier and more fun for everyone.
Community Autism Resources (CAR)
C A R is a family created and oriented community services organization with a focus on assisting and educating families & professionals about ASD.